Ember Oven Product Launch
This was a fun project for a really cool product made by Konel who puts care into everything he creates. I wanted to make sure to do it justice by showing off its beauty as well as function.
Preparedness Pre-roll
For this project I was tasked with only "make an eye-catching video promoting our preparedness brand." I immediately wanted to inspire the excitement and comfort of being stocked. Quick cuts and native audio helped make the video very well performing.
Passage to Oz
As soon as I saw this incredible coin I wanted to do it justice with video. Using detailed macro shots and demonstrating how the light plays off it adds dimensionality that is difficult to convey online.
Minimalist Wallet Promo
I built a custom turntable surface for this video to be able to scroll through wallet options. Motion tracked titles were the cherry on top! Plus an interview and voiceover from the inventor to make it personal and real.
Manufacturing Process
I love manufacturing and processes and always jump at the chance to make it look as cool as it is. It was especially fun to set some of these machines to music during the montage sequences!
American Made Film
In this video I pulled out all the stops to show off the complexity, inginuity, and beauty of manufacturing. It takes a lot to create something simple that works well! It's one of my personal favorites.
Video Portfolio
Here are some completed video projects and my thoughts on each. Enjoy!